Helpful Information for New Parents
Welcome to Brown Elementary School! We are excited to have your child join us.
On this page, we will cover the following topics:
School Calendar | Bus Transportation |
Morning Arrival | Late Arrivals |
Early Dismissals | Afternoon Dismissal |
Pick Up Patrol | Lunch Menus |
Volunteer/CORI forms |
School Calendar:
The Natick Public Schools calendar is available here (print version) or here (online version). This calendar shows days in school, early release days and holidays and vacations. The next year’s calendar is usually posted after it is approved by the School Committee, generally in mid to late April.
Bus Transportation:
Visit our Transportation Department to register your child for the bus. Bus registration generally occurs in April. Click here to register your child and to review our transportation policies.
Morning Arrival (8:20 am to 8:29 am / SCHOOL BEGINS AT 8:30 am):
Front Door Curbside Drop Off
All cars for student drop-off should stay in one line on the right side of Jean Burke Drive. You will follow the signs to take a right and then a left towards the front of the school. Once in the “Drop-Off Zone”, staff will open the car door and let the student out. Your child must exit on the passenger side. Staff members will ensure that students enter the correct door. Families should not park and walk their child into the building. All drop-offs should follow the drop-off procedure. **AT NO TIME should cars pass by buses and drop off students in the back of the building between 8:20 and 8:45. This is dangerous and is not part of our drop-off procedure.
Back Door Walking Drop Off
All students who will be walking to or from school must use the backdoor of Brown School, located at the bottom of the ramp from Hartford Street. There will be adults available at this door to escort Kindergarten and 1st Grade students to their rooms.
Bus Drop-Off
Buses will have students disembark at 8:20 immediately outside the gym where they will be greeted by staff and enter through the gym toward their classrooms. Staff will be available for any student who needs assistance.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive later than 8:30 am, you must park in a designated space and walk your child into the building and escort them to the check-in window. If you know that your child will be late/tardy please use Pick Up Patrol to enter the late arrival.
Early Dismissals
If your child will be leaving school early, please enter this information into our Pick Up Patrol system. Please select Early Dismissal and enter the time and reason for the early dismissal. At the designated time, please enter the Brown School building to sign your child out of school.
Afternoon Dismissal (Regular day is 2:56 pm, Early Release day is 12:15 pm)
Front Door Curbside Pick Up
All cars for student pick-up should stay in one line on the right side of Jean Burke Drive. You will follow the signs to take a right and then a left towards the front of the school. Once in the “Pick-Up Zone”, staff will let the student get into their cars. Please display the ORANGE Pick up Sign with your child’s name in the front window of your car on the passenger side. You will receive a pick-up sign on the 1st day of school. Your child will enter the car on the passenger side.
**AT NO TIME should cars pass by buses and drop off or pick up students in the back of the building between 2:45 and 3:15. This is dangerous and is not part of our drop-off procedure.
Back Door Walking Pick Up
If you would like to pick your child up as a walker, they will exit the building via the back door of the school near Hartford Street and the Barnesdale Neighborhood. Children going to the Barnesdale neighborhood will be released to walk home using the sidewalks and crosswalk. Students going home via Hartford Street will exit the backdoor and a teacher will help them cross the parking lot to the ramp. The children will be crossed by the crossing guard at the top of the hill. Kindergarten parents will need to come to the door to get your child.
Fourth Grade students are invited to ride their bikes to school with parent permission. Parents need to communicate with the classroom teacher and report the dismissal plan in Pick Up Patrol as a Backdoor Walker with a note that they are riding a bicycle. Students should wear a helmet. Helmets are safely stored in their lockers during the school day.
Students who take the bus home will load buses at 2:56. Kindergarten and 1st-grade students are escorted to the dismissal area by staff. Buses will leave when all students are on and ready to depart. Staff supervise this process to ensure we have a safe and efficient dismissal.
After School Programs
Children who attend after-school programs (ASAP, Longfellow, Tobin, YMCA, etc.) are dismissed to specific areas of the building where program staff meet them and take attendance.
Pick Up Patrol
Elementary Schools in Natick use PickUp Patrol for managing all dismissal plans and dismissal plan changes. This includes absences, late arrivals and early dismissals. You also have the option to enter changes for future dates.
Each August or upon registering with Natick Public Schools, you will be asked to set up your child’s default dismissal plan via email from PickUp Patrol. Your child’s default plan is “typically” the way your child will be sent home each day. Please note that default plans can only be set up on a laptop or desktop. Once this plan is set up you will have the opportunity to download the app on your mobile phone, making it quick and easy to access the program for those last minute changes.
ALL plan changes including absences, late arrivals and early dismissals should be submitted through PickUp Patrol.
The PickUp Patrol app is not found in the app store or google play store. You need to add the app to your home screen from the browser.
To download the PickUp Patrol app:
From the browser on your phone go to here.
On an Android device:
Click on the three dots next to the app name.
Choose Add to the Homepage.
On an iPhone:
Click on the box with an arrow at the bottom of your screen.
Choose Add to the Homepage.
Here are detailed instructions for creating a Default Plan and for using our system.
Lunch Menus:
School lunch is free for all Massachusetts K-12 students through the end of the school year.
Click here to view the Elementary School Lunch Menu.
Volunteer Form (CORI Background Check Authorization):
To volunteer at Brown you need to fill out a CORI form and submit it to the school 2 weeks prior to the first time you wish to volunteer. The form must be submitted in person. Please bring your license with you as we will use it to verify your identity. If you’d like, you can fill out the form below in advance of coming into the office. We accept CORI forms during regular school hours. Please note our preferred time is between 10:00 am and 2 pm but we will be happy to assist you at any time. To be eligible to be a chaperone we must have a completed CORI form on file. Once approved, CORI forms are valid for 3 years.
Criminal Offender Record Information (Background Check) Form