GOAL 5: Communication and Engagement

Establish communication procedures and philosophy that build trust, transparency, and engagement with our community.

Overarching Objectives:

Parent and Student Focus Groups

  • Student Superintendent Advisory formalized (was informal during pandemic).

  • Student cogenerative advised across classrooms.

  • Monthly Listening sessions.

Educator/parent Interaction and Feedback

  • Explore revised parent interaction experiences: virtual vs. live.

  • Negotiate conferences (such as: virtual, expanded access) in new contract.

Family Engagement Center Services

  • Develop a plan for center implementation in collaboration with new Town Administrator (TA) and community
    partners (YMCA, Metrowest Engagement Center, Intercultural Council).

  • Expand use of talking points, translation team and Lexikeet for all parent functions and meetings.

Internal and External Communication, Podcast Thought Leadership

  • Revise website design.

  • Revise the “push-pull system” of communication to families.

  • Empower principals to provide real time communication without fatiguing parents.

School and Town Thoughtexchange Info Gathering
Use ThoughtExchange to gauge our implementation of academic, SEL recovery and our preparation for possible override and ARPA spending. Joint town school forums for budget planning and override work.